Glow Acupuncture and Wellness Center Therapies
- Classical Five Element Acupuncture
- Acupuncture
- Cosmetic Acupuncture
- Sports Medicine Acupuncture
- Electroacupuncture
- Ear Acupuncture

Classical Five-Element Acupuncture
Classical Five-Element Acupuncture is an ancient system of medicine which addresses all of the Five Elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. These elements exist in every living thing in the universe, including ourselves. Each element influences specific organs of the body and their corresponding emotions. For one to truly be healthy and well, all the Five Elements must be balanced and working harmoniously together.
Each one of us has one element which, from early childhood, tends to predominate within us and is known as the Causative Factor of disease. During the course of our demanding and stressful lives, this predominant element can become over- or under-active, causing our corresponding organs and emotions to become imbalanced. This imbalance creates disharmony in the Five Element cycle, and symptoms of ill health begin to appear at any or all levels of the body/mind/spirit. Classical Five Element Acupuncture stands apart from other types of acupuncture in this fundamental recognition of a Causative Factor, or root imbalance, and the diagnosis and treatment of all parts of a person.
Involves the use of tiny needles inserted in various points on the face. This has the effect of stimulating the points, clearing energy blockages and increasing blood flow to the face and collagen production. Effective in getting rid of facial lines and preventing new ones from forming. Traditional Chinese Medicine is also beneficial in getting rid of baggy eyelids, dark circles around or underneath the eyes, dark skin patches, scars, flaccid muscles and other problem issues. The treatment brings oxygen and nutrients to the tissues, thereby helping to plump up the skin, smooth away wrinkles and dissolve lines of tension. At the cellular level this helps the skin to remove toxic waste effectively and thus maintain efficient rejuvenation of the cells.
Musculo-skeletal pain is tackled effectively and holistically. We use a combination of methods including acupuncture, massage, heat therapy, electro-stimulation, stretching and nutritional support to relieve pain and restore mobility.
Chinese medicine is a complete system of medicine with its own forms of diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and therapies. Chinese medicine views the body as an energetic system in dynamic balance. Unlike allopathic medicine which focuses on symptoms and separates the disease from the person, Chinese medicine emphasizes a holistic approach that treats the mind, body, and spirit as one entity.
Qi, which can be translated as energy or life force, flows in a regular pattern through a system of channels — or meridians — to all parts of the body. When the flow of Qi is unimpeded there is harmony, balance, and good health. When there are Qi blockages, too much or too little Qi, there is an imbalance, which can lead to disharmony and disease.

Traditional Chinese herbal remedies are part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and have been used in China for thousands of years. Traditional Chinese herbal remedies are a large part of TCM. They can be given as pills, teas, powders, liquid extracts or syrups. Hundreds of different types of herbs are used in TCM, and TCM practitioners often use combinations of herbs rather than a single herb.
Practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine often use herbal remedies along with other therapies, such as acupuncture, cupping, and Tuina.

Doula Services
A doula is a professional trained in childbirth who provides emotional, physical, and educational support to a mother who is expecting, is experiencing labor, or has recently given birth. The doula’s purpose is to help women have a safe, memorable, and empowering birthing experience. Here at Glow, our doulas are also trained in other modalities to support our expecting mothers. These modalities include but are not limited to acupuncture, psychosomatic therapy, massage, reiki, and herbal medicine.
A postpartum doula provides evidence-based information on things such as infant feeding, emotional and physical recovery from birth, mother-baby bonding, infant soothing, and basic newborn care.
Gua Sha
Gua sha is a therapy that involves scraping your skin with a massage tool to improve your circulation.
The practitioner scrapes your skin with short or long strokes to stimulate microcirculation of the soft tissue, which increases blood flow. These strokes are made with a smooth-edged instrument known as a gua massage tool. The practitioner applies liniment to the skin, and then uses the tool to repeatedly scrape in a downward motion.

Gua sha is intended to address stagnant energy in the body that practitioners believe is responsible for inflammation. Inflammation is the underlying cause of several conditions associated with chronic pain. Rubbing the skin’s surface is thought to help break up this energy, reduce inflammation, and promote healing.
Gua sha is generally performed on a person’s back, buttocks, neck, arms, and legs. A gentle version of it is even used on the face as a facial technique.

Acupressure is a technique similar in principle to acupuncture. It is based on the concept of Qi, or life energy, which flows through channels in the body. In treatment, physical pressure is applied to acupuncture points with the aim of clearing blockages in these meridians.
The Acupressure practitioner uses fingers, palms, elbows or feet, or special devices to apply pressure to acupuncture points. You are fully clothed during the session.

Other Therapies
Clinical hypnosis brings patients into a deep relaxation state and into theta or light gamma brainwaves. This process allows the critical thinking mind to step aside to give the patient’s conscious mind access to the subconscious mind (which is 90% of the mind and stores every memory and belief). Hypnotherapy may be used to address issues such as addiction, eating disorders, weight gain, body dysmorphia, chronic pain, trauma, phobias, and destructive thought and behaviour patterns. It can also be used for general self-study and improvement. It is a client-led process in which the practitioner holds space for the client to feel safe and find their own answers and path to healing.
A gentle, noninvasive, hands-on manipulative technique based on observing and restoring balance in the rhythmic flow of spinal fluid through the skull and spine. Cranial Sacral Therapy may help many conditions as it can affect all aspects of the body by enhancing general health, reducing stress and improving brain and spinal cord function. It is commonly used to treat conditions such as chronic pain, scoliosis, coordination problems, post-operative care, sports injuries, depression, birth trauma, hyperactivity and hormonal imbalances
There are many, many tools available for personal and professional growth. Life coaching is one of the most powerful tools available because it is entirely personalized to your needs, your pace, and your goals.
Coaching will help you address the immediate challenges facing you. But it is so much more than that! Good coaching is about equipping you with a set of tools and skills you will be able to use long after your coaching is completed to continue to expand.
Simply put, coaching is a beautiful gift to give yourself. It’s an investment in your growth and your soul will love you for it.
Acupuncture is given in conjunction with herbs and supplements in order to provide the support needed to give up smoking. Often used in conjunction with hypnotherapy and breath work.
Can acupuncture and herbs help me stop smoking?
Yes. Acupuncture and herbs can be an effective form of treatment for stop smoking. Acupuncture and herbology can significantly reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, sleeping disorders, irritability, agitation, anxiety and other common side effects associated with stopping drug use.
We customize programs for optimal, healthy weight loss, using acupuncture, massage, hypnotherapy, herbal medicine, nutritional and lifestyle counseling.
Can acupuncture and herbs help me lose weight?
Yes. Acupuncture and herbs can be effective in weight loss. Acupuncture and herbs can increase metabolism and the elimination of toxins and waste through urination and bowel movements. It can also help with cravings and curbing the appetite. Acupuncture and herbs are effective in helping people lose weight safely and naturally.